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[Consent to collect and use personal information]
1) Purpose of collecting personal information The ESG International Conference 2023 Secretariat collects personal information for the purpose of registering "ESG International Conference 2023" as follows.
2) Personal Information Collection Items Collection items: Name, affiliation, title, mobile phone number, and e-mail (Our Secretariat collects only the minimum information needed to perform this task)
3) Personal information retention period In principle, the personal information of the information subject is destroyed without delay when the purpose of collecting and using personal information is achieved. However, the following information shall be retained for the period specified for the following reasons
¨ç Retention period: 1 year after the end of the event
¨è Grounds for retention: Based on the consent of the information subject
4) Right to refuse consent to collect personal information The ESG International Conference 2023 Secretariat collects the minimum information required to perform this task, and the Information Officer may refuse to consent to the collection of personal information and will restrict the registration of ESG International Conference 2023 events.
5) Entrustment of personal information ESG International Conference 2023 commissioned the processing of personal information in the performance of this task.
¡Û Consigned handler: Lee Convention Co., Ltd